Dyslexia Education + Resources

Online Resources for Families

What is Dyslexia?

While parents or caregivers may need or want a screening for a variety of reasons, it is not necessary before beginning reading therapy. Take the opportunity to lear more about dyslexia by watching several of the videos and reading any of the articles linked here on this page. Some of my favorite overviews are Dyslexia and the Brain, What is Dyslexia?. Susan Barton does a great job of giving us more detail in her Embracing Dyslexia interview, and for a more in depth look Our Dyslexic Children and Embracing Dyslexia are fantastic and realistic representation of how children can either excel or cope with dyslexia. A great video I recommend for children of all ages to better understand dyslexia is See Dyslexia Differently.

Once you have learned about dyslexia and strongly suspect it as the cause of your child's learning difficulties, then it’s time to reach out for help. Information here may answer any screening questions as well as our list of warning signs on the Is it Dyslexia? page. If this doesn’t help answer your questions we would love to schedule a free 20 minute consultation. We can talk about concerns, answer any other questions and talk about if our tutoring may or may not help your child.

If a child has 3 or more of the following warning signs, encourage that child’s parents and teachers to learn more about dyslexia.

The International Dyslexia Association is a global nonprofit dedicated to raising awareness, promoting quality dyslexia remediation, and informing legislation. This website is a wealth of information for both parents and professionals.

Learning Ally is one of the largest audiobook resource libraries in the world. This is commonly the source for audiobook accommodations. However, their site offers so much more than audiobook subscriptions. It is full of resources for families and teachers.

Understood is full of incredible resources to better help you, your child, and their teachers understand learning and attention issues. You can search any question you may have and find a well-founded answer. Wide-ranging topics include anything from, “How to Organize your Child’s IEP Binder” to, “Assistive Technology for Auditory Processing Disorder.” They also give information on what Dyslexia Evaluations will look like if you choose to have your child formally evaluated.

What is structured literacy? It’s a way of explicitly teaching systematic word-association/decoding strategies that are vital for those with dyslexia.

Video Resources